Your live stream becomes many streams in any language. In real time

StreamDub Info

StreamDub - Break Language Barriers in Real Time

StreamDub revolutionizes live streaming by providing real-time speech-to-speech translation for your video content. Our cutting-edge AI models enable you to engage with multilingual audiences, boost viewership, and grow your online presence across platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and more.

How StreamDub Works

  1. Send your live stream to StreamDub, for example, using OBS.
  2. Our advanced speech AI models translate the audio track into your desired languages in real time.
  3. The translated stream is then sent to your chosen destinations, such as your Spanish and French Twitch channels, enabling you to connect with a broader audience.

Grow Your Global Audience

  • Engage with viewers in their native languages
  • Expand your presence on multiple platforms
  • Foster a more inclusive and diverse community
  • Increase viewership and followers

Seamless Integration with Popular Streaming Platforms

StreamDub works flawlessly with popular streaming platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Live, and more. Effortlessly translate your live streams and reach new audiences without any additional setup or complex configurations.

Get Started with StreamDub Today

Ready to break language barriers and grow your global audience? Sign up for StreamDub and experience the power of real-time speech-to-speech translation for your live video streams. Start your free trial today and unlock your content's full potential.

We are currently preparing the launch of StreamDub. Sign up for our newsletter so that you will be informed as soon as the beta test starts.